Literature review: Civilians’ perspectives on meaningful civilian harm response
PAX conducted a review of literature on civilian harm response, focusing on those publications that directly reflect civilian perspectives on this topic. The aim being to distil the expectations, wishes and needs for responses to civilian harm of those who are meant to benefit from it: survivors of harm and/or their relatives. When are security actors' responses to harm caused by their operations perceived as just, meaningful and effective?
Our overarching findings and our analysis of individual publications can be found below. The literature review serves as a resource document and a basis against which to check advocacy arguments and assumptions, to identify points of interest for further research, and to provide recommendations to security actors designing civilian harm response processes.
About this report
Date of publication:
Sep 18, 2023
Erin Bijl
September 2023
Civilian Harm
Literature review: Civilians’ perspectives on meaningful civilian harm response
Sep 18, 2023, Erin Bijl