HSS 2022: Summary findings from Payinjiar County (Unity), South Sudan
This report reflects on the 2022 Human Security Survey (HSS) outcomes of Payinjiar County (Greater Ganyliel and Greater Nyal) in Unity State, South Sudan, which took place over the course of three weeks in May 2022. This report summarizes the community perceptions and security dynamics observed during the 4th round of data collection in the area since 2017. This survey therefore reflects on the security situation in 2021-2022 until May.
- Continued support for the local peace agreement with Greater Yirol| The 2018 peace agreement between the Nuer of Payinjiar and the Dinka of Yirol has been sustainable and, while hiccups did occur, lead to observable improvements in physical security and increased freedom of movement for the Payinjiar community. To sustain the relevance of the agreement to the whole community, and continue the upward trend in security, peace dividends should continue to deliver in terms of access to basic needs (roads, schools, clinics) and improved livelihoods (job creation, agriculture, markets). Therefore, local state and county governments, as well as UNMISS and NGOs/CSOs should develop concrete and realistic plans for gradual economic and infrastructure development in the area to sustain the current stability;
- Flood management and prevention | During the last rainy seasons, flooding has increased and lead to destruction of already meagre livelihoods, forced seasonal migration and increased competition over scarce resources. Since this also endangers the progress made by the local peace agreement (see previous point), PAX calls on local government authorities (Governor, Commissioner) to plan and execute the (re)construction of dykes, and for UNMISS and NGOs/CSOs to provide humanitarian assistance to current displaced communities, and to design programs to teach communities alternative livelihood opportunities to build resilience and adaptability in the face of changing climatic patterns;
- Investing in a social contract | Previously high levels of communal violence have started to decrease, but formal law enforcement in Payinjiar is still dispersed and weak, while communities and cattle keepers remain well armed. To strengthen improving security levels, local authorities and NGOs should start lobby for, and design, programs aimed at establishing a social contract between communities and local authorities, focusing on the roles and responsibilities of traditional chiefs and police.
About this report
Date of publication:
Feb 02, 2023
Anton Quist
PAX Protection of Civilians

HSS 2022: Summary findings from Payinjiar County (Unity), South Sudan
Feb 02, 2023, Anton Quist