Amidst the Debris…
Four years of war in Syria has caused one of the biggest refugee crises in history. About six million Syrians are displaced within Syria, three million have left the country. The intense fighting has damaged many residential and industrial areas in the towns and cities of Syria and civilians living in these areas face a range of threats. Some of these threats come from environmental pollution generated or exacerbated by the conflict. Rubble, wastes, pollution from damaged industry and munitions residues may all present immediate and long-term threats to civilians and their environment.
According to the PAX-study Amidst the Debris, the ongoing conflict in Syria is likely to have a disastrous impact on the environment and public health. Four years of fighting has left cities in rubble and caused widespread damage to industrial sites, critical infrastructure and the oil industry. Pollution from these forms of damage is likely to result in acute and chronic risks to civilians and will have a long-term impact on the environment that they depend on.
About this report
Date of publication:
Oct 01, 2015
Wim Zwijnenburg, Kristine te Pas
More about PAX's program 'Conflict & Environment'Topic
Civilian Harm