Photo: PAX

Human Security Survey: Iraq

The Human Security Survey (HSS) is a survey methodology developed by PAX’s Protection of Civilians department to expand civilians’ voice and agency on protection issues. The HSS includes multiple methods, such as population-based research, community engagement and advocacy, and is currently implemented in Iraq and South Sudan.

Human Security Survey in Iraq

Since 2017 the HSS project has interviewed thousands of civilians and engaged diverse communities and authorities in constructive dialogues about how to make security more civilian-centered in Iraq. PAX works in close collaboration with three respected local partners: the Iraqi Al-Amal Association, the Iraqi Al-Firdaws Society and Wand Al-Khair Human Organization. Together we implement the HSS in four governorates: Basra, Diyala, Kirkuk and Salahaddin.

The HSS involves random selection procedures at community, household and respondent levels to generate representative data. We publish details of the sampling method and survey methodology, as well as analytical reports and interactive data dashboards with the research findings. For more details about the HSS in Iraq, see the data summary below.

About the Human Security Survey

The idea underlying the HSS is that civilians living in conflict need to have greater voice and agency on the protection issues that affect them. To achieve this goal, PAX and its partners conduct large-scale quantitative research in conflict areas. The research findings are brought back to local communities to create opportunities for dialogue with key authorities. At the international level, the HSS is used to influence policy providing first-hand information about conflict-affected populations. The survey is continued over multiple years to track trends and work towards sustainable change.

Contact person HSS Iraq
Saba Azeem, Project Lead HSS Iraq:

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Photo: PAX

Data Dashboard (English)

Relevant publications

HSS 2024: Data summary from Diyala, Iraq (English)
HSS 2024: Data summary from Basra, Iraq (English)
HSS 2024: Data summary from Basra, Iraq (Arabic)