HSS 2016-2022: Trend analysis of Payinjiar County (Unity), South Sudan
This document presents the main findings of the Human Security Survey in Payinjiar County (Unity) from 2016 to 2022, as well as trend analysis and recommendations for security actors.
Main conclusions
- Security perception: Improved
- Most needed improvement: Monitoring of peace agreement
- Since surveying in Payinjiar commenced in 2017, the general security perceptions of the local communities have improved. Especially since 2018 (the year a local peace agreement with Greater Yirol, Lakes was signed), we noticed that perceptions of security have improved, despite initial setbacks in 2019-2020, and the frequency of reported incidents like cattle raiding and revenge killing (except that of robberies) has declined since. PAX recommends continued support in monitoring this local peace agreement and the development of legitimate community security mechanisms to control existing levels of intra- and intercommunal violence.
- The reliability on, and appreciation by Payinjiar community members for the police has increased, however local armed youth and SPLA-IO military remain other important security actors that are held in high esteem and are considered important in enforcing the law. PAX recommends increased investment in the training and basic maintenance of legitimate law enforcement actors such as police, chiefs and local government officials, in order to improve mutual relations and build on current levels of relative stability and legitimacy.
- Communities in Payinjiar indicate that intercommunal relations, economic development and environmental challenges are important aspects in upkeeping the current peace agreement and prevent a relapse into (communal) conflict. Recent floods and competition over scarce resources have shown how vulnerable the intercommunal peace still is, yet the sharing of pastures, freedom of movement and renewed opportunities for intercommunal trade have also revealed what potential benefits this peace can bring. PAX recommends investing in access to basic services and livelihood development for the communities of Payinjiar as an important means to protect the peace agreement and improved intercommunal relations with neighboring areas.
About this infographic
Date of publication:
Oct 06, 2022
Anton Quist
PAX Protection of Civilians

HSS 2016-2022: Trend analysis of Payinjiar County (Unity), South Sudan
Oct 06, 2022, Anton Quist