Assessing US and Dutch advances in building new CHM policies
In November 2022, PAX brought together a range of experts and stakeholders to discuss people-centered approaches to security in its annual Protection of Civilians Conference. In one session, experts from the US Department of Defense, the Dutch Ministry of Defense and PAX discussed Civilian Harm Mitigation (CHM) policy development processes currently taking place in the United States and the Netherlands: the US Civilian Harm Mitigation and Response Action Plan, or ‘CHMR-AP’, and the Dutch ‘Roadmap.’
The brief below provides the main insights gained during this discussion, as well as PAX's recommendations to ensure that the current Dutch and US CHM ambitions will be realized successfully. While this paper looks specifically at advances made in the US and the Netherlands, we encourage policy makers and practitioners from other states and from international institutions to use these findings and recommendations to inform their own CHM processes.
About this report
Date of publication:
Nov 23, 2022
Erin Bijl & Wilbert van der Zeijden
November 2022
Civilian Harm Mitigation
Dutch Ministry of Defense
PoC Conference
PoC Conference 2022
US Department of Defense (DoD)

Assessing US and Dutch advances in building new CHM policies
Nov 23, 2022, Erin Bijl & Wilbert van der Zeijden