Early Warning/Early Action Burkina Faso Pilot report meeting 2
On 16 and 17 September 2019, PAX convened a meeting in the Hague to discuss Early Warning in Burkina Faso with a mixed group of 30 representatives of military, governmental and non-governmental organisations. This report reflects on the participant selection process prior to the meeting; discusses the main outcomes of the meeting, assess to what extent the objectives set for the meeting are met; and looks at the next steps in the Pilot.
The Early Warning/Early Action project was a pilot carried out by PAX, in cooperation with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), 1GNC and the Common Effort Community. During the pilot, which was carried out in 2019 and at the start of 2020, PAX acted as the project coordinator.
The main objective of the Early Warning/Early Action pilot was to test a new method for threat analysis. Using this approach, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its partners could quickly develop integrated and context-specific threat analyses. As a result, they could identify opportunities for early-action initiatives and streamline decision-making processes.
About this report
Date of publication:
Oct 28, 2019
PAX Protection of Civilians
More about the Early Warning/Early Action Burkina Faso pilot