Book launch ‘On civilian harm’
In today’s conflicts, civilians continue to be harmed in large numbers: they may lose loved ones, become injured, lose their homes or sources of income, or suffer potentially long-term psychological trauma. Preventing and understanding civilian harm in its broadest sense, as encompassing more than merely the ‘wounded and dead’, is vital in the practice of protecting civilians from the negative effects of violent conflict.
On June 17, 2021, PAX’s Protection of Civilians team launched its book ‘On civilian harm’. The book directs attention to the broader negative impact that violent conflict and international interventions can have on civilians. Authors and various civilian harm experts discussed civilian harm in contemporary conflict, the need for and the relevance of the publication, and the lessons the book offers for security actors, policy makers and practitioners around the world.
The event was opened by a handover of a first copy of the book by PAX Director Anna Timmerman to Dutch Minister of Defense Ank Bijleveld. After the handover, the book's editors spoke about the origins, main message and purpose of 'On Civilian Harm'. This was followed by a panel of civilian harm experts, including:
- Alma Mustafic (lecturer and Srebrenica Survivor)
Christiaan Triebert (New York Times journalist) - dr. Lauren Gould (Assistant Professor at Utrecht University)
- Marc Garlasco (Military Advisor at PAX)
- Youssef Rahman (Senior Political Advisor at Amnesty Netherlands
The event also contains a clip of the handover of a first copy of the book by PAX Director Anna Timmerman to Dutch Minister of Defense Ank Bijleveld.
About this event
Date of event:
June 17, 2021
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Civilian HarmBook launch ‘On civilian harm’
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