Protection of Civilians

We work to protect civilians living in armed conflict. Our purpose is to reduce civilian harm, end armed violence and build sustainable peace around the world. To achieve this, we work closely with civil society and authorities at local and international levels to put civilian perspectives first.

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Photo: Tom Daams

Civilian resistance in Ukraine

PAX’s latest briefing discusses the connections between civilian resistance, protection risks, and potential mitigation measures.

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Civilian resistance in Ukraine

PAX’s latest briefing discusses the connections between civilian resistance, protection risks, and potential mitigation measures.

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Civilian Harm

PAX researches the impacts of the use of force and advocates for improved policies and practices to mitigate civilian harm.

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Community Engagement

PAX promotes constructive dialogue between civilians and security actors to improve the relevance, inclusivity and accountability of PoC.

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Data for Protection

PAX studies the tools used to collect conflict data and advises security providers on how to responsibly protect civilians.

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Human Security Survey

PAX utilizes inclusive research and dialogue to facilitate civilians in advocating for their security priorities.

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Protection Policies

PAX advocates for civilian-centered PoC strategies informed by community engagement and accountable practices.

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Training for Protection

PAX helps develop and deliver training modules for security forces to improve the protection of civilians.

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About us

The protection of civilians living in conflict is at the heart of our work. To achieve that, we carry out research, facilitate inclusive dialogue, influence security policies and provide training and advice to PoC actors.

We work closely with local partners and activists, as well as relevant authorities to improve the effectiveness of PoC interventions. We enable civilians to hold security actors to account, and work to equip and motivate those actors to design and implement more inclusive, civilian-centered protection strategies.

Human Security Survey

We developed the Human Security Survey (HSS) to expand the voice of civilians and their agency about protection issues. Using the data gathered with the HSS, security policies and their implementations will be better tailored to local needs.

Human Security Survey in Iraq
In Iraq, PAX has interviewed thousands of civilians for the HSS. We also engaged communities and authorities in dialogue about how to make security strategies more civilian-centered. The HSS is implemented in four governorates in Iraq.

Human Security Survey in South Sudan
The Human Security Survey is used in five states in South Sudan, together with two local partners. To gather data, interviews are conducted and constructive dialogue between civilians and local authorities is encouraged. The results of the HSS in South Sudan are shared regularly.