PAX PoC Conference 2020 – Plenary Opening (Day 1)
On December 1-3, 2020, the PAX Protection of Civilians Conference brought together a network of Protection of Civilians (PoC) partners on three key themes: People and Protection, National Contributions to PoC, and the Reverberating Effects of Civilian Harm.
Hans Rouw (Program Lead Protection of Civilians at PAX), opened day 1 of the conference (theme: National Contributions to PoC) by presenting the main PoC priorities, challenges and opportunities and announcing the full program together with Saba Azeem (Project Lead Human Security Survey) and Wilbert van der Zeijden (Team Coordinator Protection of Civilians) and welcoming messages from PAX partners in Iraq, South Sudan and the US.
The annual PAX PoC Conferences are organized by PAX’s PoC Team in partnership with the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. For more information about the PAX PoC Conferences, our work and other PoC events go to
About this video
Date of publication:
Dec 23, 2020
PAX Protection of Civilians
December 2020
More about the 2020 PAX PoC ConferenceTopics
Civilian HarmCommunity EngagementData for ProtectionHuman Security SurveyProtection PoliciesTraining for ProtectionTags
PoC Conference