Photo: UN Photo
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Data for Protection

Effective protection of civilians requires insight into what threatens civilians. PAX researches the tools and methodologies that military missions use to collect conflict data and advises on how to use it to inclusively and responsibly protect civilians.

Using data to improve relevance, impact and accountability
To protect civilians, military actors need to understand what threats people living in conflict face, and how to use that information to diffuse tension or prevent atrocities. Missions need evidence and analysis on civilians and their environment to develop relevant interventions. Local populations and the international community also need data about missions to assess their impact and hold them accountable.

PAX researches data collection and analysis methodologies, and advises missions on tools and best practices that allow for civilian-centric decision making on how to plan operations, deploy scarce resources, and evaluate mission effectiveness.

PAX’s approach includes:
– Convening local and international experts in discussions of best practices and field realities
– Research into peacekeepers’ information needs and capacities
– Training and advising militaries in how to collect and use data more strategically

For more information, see PAX’s Protection in Practice project.

Photo: UN Photo
report 13 April 2021

Mapping Data-Driven Tools and Systems for Early Warning, Situational Awareness, and Early Action

In this report, PAX looks at how the UN, NATO, and African Union collect, analyze, and apply data for early warning and early action to improve the lives of the populations they are mandated to protect.

HSS 2024: Data summary from Diyala, Iraq (English)
HSS 2024: Data summary from Basra, Iraq (English)
HSS 2024: Data summary from Basra, Iraq (Arabic)
HSS 2024: Expert data summary from Diyala, Iraq (Arabic)
HSS 2023: Expert data summary from Diyala, Iraq (Arabic)
HSS 2023: Expert data summary from Salahaddin, Iraq (Arabic)
HSS 2023: Expert data summary from Kirkuk, Iraq (Arabic)
HSS 2024: Data summary from Diyala, Iraq (Arabic)
HSS 2023: Summary findings from Jonglei State, South Sudan