HSS 2021: Summary findings from Juba County, Central Equatoria State, South Sudan
This report reflects on the 2021 Human Security Survey (HSS) outcomes of the Rejaf and Mangalla areas of Greater Juba County, Central Equatoria State, South Sudan, which took place over the course of three weeks in July 2021, as well as a community security dialogue which took place in November 2021 in Juba. During the three-day dialogue the main survey findings and their practical implications were presented, discussed and validated. Participants suggested main priorities and practical ways of addressing the main security issues,
culminating in a community action plan.
- The general security situation in Rejaf and Mangalla in 2021 was relatively stable, with 40% of respondents witnessing relative improvement compared to 2020 and an additional 42% perceiving no clear changes from 2020 into 2021. However, geographical differences are noticeable: relative improvements in Rejaf were more pronounced than in Mangalla;
- Robberies, murders and cattle raids are the three most frequently reported incidents by Rejaf and Mangalla communities, which all seem to be on the rise since 2018. Especially cattle raids are largely attributed to the influx of cattle keepers from neighboring Jonglei;
- Police (and to a lesser extent the national army or SSPDF) are the most present and accessible security providers in Rejaf and Mangalla payams of Juba County. While their performance was generally perceived as being (very) good, preferences for more informal security and justice provision by armed youth and chiefs are also prominent here, as in other (rural) areas of South Sudan.
About this report
Date of publication:
Oct 04, 2022
Anton Quist
PAX Protection of Civilians

HSS 2021: Summary findings from Juba County, Central Equatoria State, South Sudan
Oct 04, 2022, Anton Quist