Chapter 17 “On Civilian Harm”: Conclusion. Towards a Shared Understanding of Civilian Harm.
This chapter is part of our book 'On Civilian Harm'. It is the concluding chapter, which summarises the findings from the previous chapters, identifies main questions going forward, and provides a set of recommendations to a variety of stakeholders.
In this book, we have studied the negative effects of armed violence on civilians in two ways. In Part I of this book, ‘Cases of civilian harm’, we analysed thirteen different civilian harm events in great detail. In Part II, ‘Elements of civilian harm’, we reflected on the elements that are part of every civilian harm event. We have attempted to bring across the experiences of civilians in conflict, and to reflect on the means by which we can mitigate or prevent harm to civilians
About this report
Date of publication:
Aug 26, 2021
Erin Bijl, Wilbert van der Zeijden, Welmoet Wels
June 2021
Civilian Harm
Chapter 17 “On Civilian Harm”: Conclusion. Towards a Shared Understanding of Civilian Harm.
Aug 26, 2021, Erin Bijl, Wilbert van der Zeijden, Welmoet Wels