HSS 2020: Data summary from Jonglei, South Sudan
In July 2020, 8 enumerators conducted 468 surveys in Jonglei, South Sudan. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, several measures were taken to minimize the risk of infection during the enumerator training and data collection, such as the use of face masks, regular hand disinfection, no hand shaking, and maintaining 2 meters distance at all times.
Civilians were asked about the nature of security threats they face, and the impact this has on their daily lives and their expectations for the future. This infographic reflects the summarized outcomes of the survey. The research method used is called the Human Security Survey (HSS). The HSS is developed by PAX's Protection of Civilians team and includes a series of complementary activities, including population-based research, community engagement, and advocacy.
About this infographic
Date of publication:
Jul 01, 2020
Anita Hossain
PAX Protection of Civilians
July 2020