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Seeing Through the Rubble

This joint report by the PAX Humanitarian Disarmament Team and the monitoring organization Airwars demonstrates the dire and long lasting impact on civilians of the recent international coalition’s campaign in Mosul, Raqqa and Hawijah and calls for stronger international commitment against the use of explosive weapons in populated areas.

The analysis goed beyond the weapons' direct impact, studying too their indirect and longer-term negative effects on civilians. This report sheds light on why there is a need to better address the impact from explosive weapons and to protect civilians through improved military operational standards. In presenting this report, we call upon all states to offer civilians better protection against the use of explosive weapons, to negotiate a strong international political declaration to this end and to commit to avoiding the use of explosive weapons with wide area effects in populated areas.

About this report

Date of publication:

Oct 26, 2020


Roos Boer (PAX), Laurie Treffers (Airwars) & Chris Woods (Airwars)


PAX Humanitarian Disarmament; Airwars

Seeing Through the Rubble

Oct 26, 2020, Roos Boer (PAX), Laurie Treffers (Airwars) & Chris Woods (Airwars)

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