PAX PoC Program Annual Report 2023
The following report reflects upon the annual reporting period from January 2023-March 2024 for PAX’s Protection of Civilians (PoC) Program: "Amplifying Voices for the Protection of Civilians: Improving standards and accountability of PoC and military operations." The ambitious initiative was developed by PAX in close consultation with our strategic partners within the Department of Stabilization and Humanitarian Aid (DSH) at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA).
PAX's Protection of Civilians (PoC) program seeks to increase the effectiveness of PoC interventions by facilitating that civilians can hold local and international security actors to account, and by enabling and motivating security actors to design and implement protection strategies that are civilian-centered.
Since the current iteration of this program began in late 2019, the Protection of Civilians (PoC) program has enabled PAX to become one of the most well-known and most sought-after organizations working on PoC and related topics. Our unique mix of nuanced primary research, our in-country partners’ knowledge of civilian security needs and priorities, our ability to provide civilian-centered policy advice, and our capacity to provide targeted technical assistance and training to security actors has proven to be very effective. This unique combination of competencies allows us to remain critical but constructive, as well as deeply engaged from the grassroots to international levels in processes leading to meaningful change.
This annual report provides insights into the program's achievements and lessons learned throughout 2023 and the first quarter of 2024.
About this report
Date of publication:
Aug 26, 2024
PAX Protection of Civilians
2023-Q1 2024
Civilian HarmCommunity EngagementHuman Security SurveyProtection PoliciesTraining for Protection