HSS Expert Panel Monitor: Q1-Q2 update from Jonglei State, South Sudan
In July 2023, a PAX interviewer conducted 15 individual interviews with local experts across Jonglei State. The group of experts included local government officials on state and county levels, police and army officers, (paramount) chiefs, women and youth leaders. This report summarizes the security dynamics observed by the consulted experts between January and July 2023 (so roughly Q1-Q2 of 2023).
- 40% of consulted local security experts claimed that the general security situation across Greater Bor (Bor South, Twic East and Duk counties) improved in the first half of 2023, another 40% indicated that security got worse, and the final 20% indicated not observing any changes in the last year;
60% of consulted experts indicated that cattle raids, women & child abductions and other forms of intercommunal violence, mostly by Murle militias from GPAA posed a bigger threat to Greater Bor communities compared to previous year.
Generally speaking, almost three quarters of consulted experts (73%) think that cattle raids, women & child abductions and road ambushes are still the biggest challenges across Greater Bor area of Jonglei, followed by periods of drought as well as flooding within the year (20%), brought about by late but heavy rains.
The biggest positive developments were believed to be the construction of a paved road connecting Bor town with the capital Juba, limiting travel time and boosting local business. Moreover, local dyke construction has helped protect communities against recurrent seasonal floods.
About this report
Date of publication:
Nov 01, 2023
Anton Quist & Abdullatif Sleibi
PAX Protection of Civilians
Q1-Q2 2023

HSS Expert Panel Monitor: Q1-Q2 update from Jonglei State, South Sudan
Nov 01, 2023, Anton Quist & Abdullatif Sleibi