HSS 2022: Summary findings from Eastern Equatoria State, South Sudan
This report reflects on the 2022 Human Security Survey (HSS) outcomes of Magwi County & Torit County in Eastern Equatoria State, South Sudan, which took place over the course of three weeks in June 2022. This report summarizes the community perceptions and security dynamics observed during the 2nd round of data collection in the area since 2020 (only Magwi County at the time). This survey therefore reflects on the security situation in 2021- 2022 (until June)
- Political support for the prevention of farmer-pastoralist violence | The year 2022 saw months of tension and intercommunal violence between local farming communities and migrating cattle keepers fleeing the floods in Jonglei. Only after considerable political pressure from state government officials did the cattle keepers return to Jonglei, but with the 2023-24 rainy season approaching, and the memories of grave flooding in Jonglei during the last couple of years, expectations are that the migrating cattle keepers could return in the course of this year. Therefore, local state and county government, law enforcement agencies as well as UNMISS should anticipate for a possible return of migrating cattle keepers to the area and develop concrete mitigation plans that protect local communities and their agricultural lands and engage the cattle keepers through dialogue;
- Adaptation of agricultural production to climate change and the prevention of food insecurity | Agriculture is the main economic employment sector in Magwi and Torit counties, and the Equatoria region is known to be the breadbasket of the country. However, climate change has also manifested itself here with less reliable precipitation patterns, affecting yields and harvests. To overcome the potential adverse climatic impact, it is of paramount importance that local government officials, UNMISS and (inter)national NGOs/CSOs invest resources in developing and teaching innovative methods for farming communities to sustain and improve agricultural production, thereby safeguarding food security;
- Investment in a social contract | High levels of (communal) violence and an overreliance on youth militia and other self-protection mechanisms show that formal law enforcement across Magwi and Torit counties is still dispersed and insufficient. To improve security levels, local authorities and NGOs should start to lobby for, and design, programs aimed at establishing a stronger social contract between communities and local authorities, with a focus on the roles and responsibilities of traditional chiefs and police.
About this report
Date of publication:
Jun 08, 2023
Anton Quist & Abdullatif Sleibi
PAX Protection of Civilians

HSS 2022: Summary findings from Eastern Equatoria State, South Sudan
Jun 08, 2023, Anton Quist & Abdullatif Sleibi