PoC Program final evaluation & program design Terms of Reference (ToR)
PAX’s Protection of Civilians (PoC) team is seeking a qualified team of experts to conduct a final evaluation of its PoC Program. In addition to reflecting on performance throughout the lifetime of the grant, the evaluation should directly feed into participatory and evidence-based program design efforts for the next phase of the intervention. The selected consultants will therefore need to be highly effective facilitators with expertise in program design and theory of change development. The evaluation should take place between May-September 2023 and involve extensive engagement with partners and other key stakeholders based in Iraq and South Sudan, as well as 2 or more participatory workshops at PAX's headquarters in the Netherlands (including specifically from 12-16 June). Applications are due by 5 May and the contract would begin shortly thereafter.
About this report
Date of publication:
Apr 13, 2023