HSS Expert Panel Monitor: Q1-Q2 update from Greater Yirol, Lakes State, South Sudan
In June 2022, a PAX interviewer conducted 12 interviews with local security experts in Lakes State, This group included local government officials, chiefs, police, court officials, women leaders and religious leaders. This report summarizes the security dynamics observed by the consulted experts during Q1 and Q2 of 2022.
- All consulted local security experts unanimously claimed that the local security situation in Greater Yirol had improved during the first half of 2022. This is largely attributed to the Governor who took leadership of Lakes State in 2021, who is said to have increased law enforcement presence across the state and combatted previous lawlessness effectively;
- Signs of improved security across Greater Yirol area are improved freedom of movement experienced by community members (especially cattle keepers establishing cattle camps), improved trade relations and intermarriage between previously warring communities. In terms of justice, it has been attempted to return previously raided cattle to their rightful owners;
- However, cattle raids and revenge killing cases are still reported in the border area between Yirol East County with Payinjiar County (Unity State), despite a local peace agreement. Experts advise to keep investing in local peace processes and dialogues between Greater Yirol communities and their immediate neighbors (especially Payinjiar to the north and Terekeka to the south) in order to address remaining communal violence and to protect current peace agreements and the peace dividends they brought;
- In addition, experts point to much needed developments in roads, farming (food production) and civilian disarmament as necessary next steps to maintain or improve the current security situation in Greater Yirol;
About this report
Date of publication:
Sep 12, 2022
Anton Quist
PAX Protection of Civilians
Q1-Q2 2022

HSS Expert Panel Monitor: Q1-Q2 update from Greater Yirol, Lakes State, South Sudan
Sep 12, 2022, Anton Quist