HSS Expert Panel Monitor: Q3-Q4 update from Greater Yirol, Lakes State, South Sudan
In December 2021, a PAX interviewer conducted 12 interviews with local security experts in Lakes State, This group included local government officials, chiefs, police, court officials, women leaders and religious leaders. This report summarizes the security dynamics observed by the consulted experts during Q3 and Q4 of 2021.
- All local security experts claimed that the general security situation across Greater Yirol and Awerial County improved in the second half of 2021;
- The experts attributed the improved security situation generally on the appointment of the new Lakes Governor mid-2021 and his more robust enforcement of law and order. The presence of ‘organized forces’ or security providers across the counties was expanded and also the positive impact of the 2018 local peace agreement among Yirol, Payinjiar and Rumbek was acknowledged by respondents;
- Although the frequency of communal violence like cattle raids and road ambushes has dropped, instances of cattle raiding from Terekeka and Payinjiar were still reported in 2021. These incidents have the potential for revenge and thereby setting back the local peace agreement with neighboring communities. Prevention of violence by armed youth therefore continues to be a challenge;
- Besides keeping intercommunal peace, the biggest challenge mentioned by the experts was conducting peaceful communal disarmament among especially armed cattle keepers, attempts of which are reportedly underway in Yirol West and Yirol East counties.
About this report
Date of publication:
Apr 06, 2022
Anton Quist
PAX Protection of Civilians
Q3-Q4 2021

HSS Expert Panel Monitor: Q3-Q4 update from Greater Yirol, Lakes State, South Sudan
Apr 06, 2022, Anton Quist