HSS 2022: Summary findings from Jonglei State, South Sudan
This report reflects on the 2022 Human Security Survey (HSS) outcomes of 3 counties making up ‘Greater Bor’ (Bor South, Twic East & Duk counties) in Jonglei State, South Sudan, which took place over the course of three weeks in February 2022. This report summarizes the community perceptions and security dynamics observed during the 5th round of data collection in the area since 2016. This survey round therefore reflects on the security situation in 2021-2022 until February.
- Flood Prevention | PAX calls on humanitarian organizations to continue providing necessary emergency assistance to displaced communities fleeing the recent flooding, as well as developing projects and programs to address livelihoods affected by frequent flooding more sustainably. At the same time relevant national and local government institutions, such as the Ministry of Water Resources & Irrigation, the Jonglei State Government and the respective Commissioners’ offices, are called to develop immediate (re)construction of dykes and the development of future infrastructural plans in Greater Bor with flood prevention measures in mind;
- Community Protection | PAX advises international donors active in South Sudan to invest more funds and political capital into community-based Security Sector Reform, specifically in developing necessary capacities, skills and resources for law enforcement actors, most notably the police, in order to provide better protection and rule of law for communities and address their security concerns;
- De-escalation & Peace | PAX calls on national and local government officials, community leaders and local civil society actors across Jonglei and the GPAA to get the Bor Dinka-Murle peace process back on track and invest in transparent de-escalation and confidence-building measures.
About this report
Date of publication:
Dec 06, 2022
Anton Quist
PAX Protection of Civilians