Photo: Jeppe Schilder

Engaging International Actors on PoC (EIA)

International military missions struggle to effectively protect civilians. This project addresses that challenge and uses local perspectives to inspire and hold to account relevant PoC policies and decision makers.

About the EIA project
We inform PoC actors about the needs and capacities of civilians in conflict and advocate for integrating civilian perspectives into PoC policies. We do so in order to improve transparency and accountability, and to facilitate more effective practices for the protection of civilians.

PAX organizes public events and roundtable discussions with and for the UN, NATO and other international security actors and institutions. We also organize an annual international PoC conference in the Netherlands with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In convening these expert events, we bring together national and international civilians, military and policymakers in the field of peacekeeping and provide a unique learning platform on the topic of PoC.

Strengthening Protection of Civilians Capacity at NATO
In 2016, the NATO Policy on PoC made protection a goal of future operations, kicking off development of a military concept on PoC, an action plan and guidance. Whether in active security operations, train-and-assist missions or support to disaster relief, NATO policy is to mitigate harm from its own actions and protect civilians from the harm of others.

To support NATO’s success, the Stimson Center developed, in partnership with PAX and supported by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, an innovative project to cultivate and offer external research and technical expertise to NATO as they continue to realize their PoC policy. To help NATO succeed, Stimson’s Strengthening Protection of Civilians Capacity at NATO project will cultivate and offer external expertise to NATO and help assess the levels of current doctrine and guidance within NATO nations and partners on protection of civilians. Emphasis will be on solutions-focused research and on building bridges across governments, academia, international organizations and NGOs. Project activities include research, PoC capacity reviews, roundtable discussions and convening a group of experts to provide advice to NATO.

Contact person EIA project
Wilbert van der Zeijden, Project Lead Protection in Practice (PiP) and Engaging International Actors (EIA):

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Photo: Jeppe Schilder

Other relevant publications

2024 Statement by the NGO Working Group on PoC
PAX PoC Program annual report 2021
PAX joins UNCSW Side-event on Women Leaders in the Military and Peacekeeping